Some applications of Hatha Yoga


Sabina Siddique :Hatha Yoga is an ancient South Asian practice, dating back to 2500 BC, possibly even earlier. It is a scientific system designed to bring wellness to body and soul. In Yoga, the body and mind are linked to create a state of internal peace and integration, bringing the individual from a state of separation to a self-unity that is flexible, accepting posture and alignment, as well as creating a higher consciousness.Yoga asana works both on the body and mind. In Sanskrit ‘ha’ means the sun and ‘tha’ means the moon. Sun is for positive and moon is for negative. So hatha yoga is the perfect use of negative and positive energy. Our body and mind posses both negative and positive energies. We have to reduce negative energy and enhance positive energy from air. Hatha yoga helps to do this by following some rules to reach to the body and mind. It is a very easy practice that everyone can do in any age of life. You need not to be an expert or at the peak of physical fitness to practice the yoga.Hatha yoga is one of the most popular yoga in modern world. It follows the scientific method by yoga Guru B K S Iyengar and others who are the great followers of Patanjali, the father of Yoga.Yoga begins with Sun salutation. One must practice Mudra, Pranayama and Meditation after Asanas to gain total output of yoga. Mudra is the link between asanas and pranayama. Pranayama is the link between the body and the soul of man and Meditation means looking inwards to one’s innermost being. Beginners should get guidance from experienced yoga teachers.It is very necessary for the student to understand the Chakras, the wheel of Yoga, anatomy, physiology and diets. The twelve basic posture (asanas) including mudra, pranayama, and meditation. Counselling and stress management are also included besides practicing classical advanced variations of postures and pranayamas.Hatha yoga is the wisdom of the ancients to promote harmony with the soul and nature. The main objective of practicing yoga to understand why yoga is necessary in modern life and use of the pranayam, mudra and meditation with different asanas. It also helps to reduce depression and weight. Finally yoga helps to find the inner sprit and helps student to find calmness in stressful world. It also achieves relaxation, balance and fitness.Benefits from various yoga postures are introduced here.Standing pose: strengthen leg muscles joints and the spine, increase blood circulation throughout the body and the heart. Example, Tree pose.Sitting pose: provides the benefits to hip, knee and ankles and the muscles of the groin. It also stretches the muscles of the heart. Example, Virasana.Forward bending: controls blood pressure, increase blood circulation. It is a good exercise for the abdominal organs. Example, Janu sirasana.Twist: is a good exercise for the spine, pelvic and abdominal organs. It increases the blood flow to the spine and relaxes. It is good for spine, hip and groin disorder. Example, crocodile pose.Inversion: increases the blood circulation to the brain, heart. Example, Sarvangasana.Back bent: good for the nerve system, relief headache and hypertension, energise the body, free mind from depression. Example, Half moon pose.Reclining pose: refreshes the mind and body, strengthens the body and the joint, and brings required energy in the body for more yoga practice. Example, Shavasana.Mudra: helps to achieve the difficult step of PranayamaPranayama: Decrease the negative energy and achieve all positive energy for the body and soul. Meditation: gives peace of mind.(Sabina Siddique, Yoga Teacher & Councillor, Hatha Yoga and Counselling, Wahid Academy, Email: [email protected] )
