Solution is to return Rakhine State to Rohingyas

Editorial Desk :
The United States government wants to pursue a diplomatic solution to the Rohingya crisis and the US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas A Shannon clarified that punishment is not the answer to resolve the crisis. He told reporters in Dhaka on Sunday that their purpose was to solve the problem through diplomatic measures as per reports in the press.
Addressing a press briefing after the 6th Partnership Dialogue at the state guest house Padma, Shannon said that he discussed in detail the pressing Rohingya crisis. Replying to a query on possible tougher measures against Myanmar such as imposing sanctions, he said that the purpose of the US was to solve the problem, not to punish.
The US could take one hundred steps to solve the problem and there would still be no end in sight of the Rohingya crisis. The main problems in negotiating with the Myanmar government are how to press for a solution which would not be detrimental to the Rohingyas. In a nation which is so deeply prejudiced to Muslims that even taxi drivers throw out passengers if they are thought to be from a Muslim country — as documented by an Australian journalist, how can a solution be found which ensures that Rohingyas are not treated badly?
 Myanmar defied international law by making Rohingyas stateless and committing genocide against Rohingya Muslims. The problem has been complicated by Myanmar. No civilised country can commit the brutalities done against the Rohingyas in their own country. Rohingyas belonged to their own state, namely Rakhine State. The country was occupied by Burma previously.
If the Buddhists do not want to live with Rohingyas nobody should think that Rohingyas will love to live with the Buddhists of Myanmar. We expect the USA and other friends of humanity must come forward forcefully to tell Myanmar that it has no right to throw out a section of their own people and forced them to live in miseries in another country.
If the Buddhists of Myanmar are full of hatred for the Rohingya Muslims then America and other countries must ask Myanmar to set free the Rakhine State they occupied by force.
Many countries have been divided as a solution when those countries could not learn to live together. So why the international community through the United Nations should not put hard pressure that as the solution the Rakhine State to be freed from Myanmar.
Myanmar has committed genocide and expelled the Rohingyas most savagely for not taking them back through sweet discussions. In fact the terrible hatred against Rohingyas is state sponsored one and Suu Kyi is part of the problem.
The simple demand to take back the Rohingyas is no solution without ensuring their safety. Myanmar may be found too eager to take them back to annihilate them.
The Rohingya crisis has to be solved by international diplomacy. Bangladesh cannot solve the problem alone through peaceful discussion. To think otherwise is to ignore the need of urgent end to the miseries of Rohingya refugees.
When the Myanmar government cannot make different ethnic groups live together peacefully, they should also be willing to seek international help for a solution.
In our view, solution to Rohingya crisis can be found easily and peacefully recognising the Rakhine State as belonging to Rohingyas.
