Social movement needed for preventing ragging

Staff Reporter :
Education Minister Dipu Moni has urged for a social movement for preventing ragging and bullying culture in the country.
Ragging or bullying could be stopped by the Combined efforts of all educational institutions, teachers, students, family, society and media, she said on Thursday.
She also said that she was ashamed of and deeply regretted the murder of Abrar Farhad of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.
The minister said it after attending a seminar held at the International Mother language Institute in the capital.

‘We should start a social movement for making it clear that this culture is not acceptable, where seniors torture juniors sometimes being influenced by politics,’ Dipu Moni said.
The Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday said that the authorities of BUET could ban student politics on the campus if the university authorities want, she said.
The government would not do it, the minister said.
‘Today who are raising their voice, they could protest earlier,’ she added.
