Social movement against corruption stressed

BSS, Rajshahi :
Speakers at a meeting have unequivocally called for raising voice and forging social movement against corruption, abuse of drugs and cyber crimes for freeing the nation from the curses.
They viewed collective efforts of all quarters has become indispensable to resist all sorts of institutional corruptions and drug-addiction as it affects the public in general directly.
Besides, the discussants mentioned that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has declared that the corruption will be eradicated. So, all entities should come forward and work together to execute the premier’s announcement on priority basis through discharging their respective duties with utmost sincerity and honesty.
The observation came in the district law and order committee meeting at conference hall of Deputy Commissioner’s office in Rajshahi city on Sunday.
Chaired by Deputy Commissioner SM Abdul Kader the meeting was addressed, among others, by Superintendent of Police Md Shahidullah, Additional DistrictMagistrate Alamgir Kabir, Deputy Director of Department of Narcotics Control Lutfor Rahman and Freedom Fighter Dr Abdul Matin.
The meeting laid importance on creation of awareness among the mass people, especially the young generation, to eliminate corruption from the society. Concerted effort is crucially important to check bribery.
Deputy Commissioner Abdul Kader mentioned that corruption undermines economic development and increase poverty, exploitation and injustice, prevent good governance, accountability and transparency and create social and political instability and insecurity.
He asked to check institutional corruptions first before taking lawful action against a person involved in corruption willingly or unwillingly.
SP Shahidullah told the meeting that time has come to resist the crime relating online sexual harassment and repression against women and children as many children were seen facing problems due to the abuse over the internet which was a growing concern for the society.