Soaring prices hit people hard: GM Quader


Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader on Saturday voiced concern that the country’s people are struggling hard to cope with the skyrocketing prices of daily essentials.
“People are in miseries. The government has raised the prices of fuel oil and gas, showing lame excuses,” he said.
Speaking at a programme at Jatiya Party Chairman’s Banani office, Quader said the transportation cost has gone up due to the rise in fuel prices.
“The prices of daily essentials are being raised by leaps and bounds on the pretext of increased costs of transportation and production,” he observed.
Quader, also the deputy opposition leader in parliament, said the spending of people are only increasing every day but not their incomes. “People are now struggling to make ends meet for lack of money.”
He also said many people are also unable to receive necessary treatment for want of money.
“The number of unemployed people is increasing, but there are no job opportunities for them.”
The Jatiya Party chairman said people want to get rid of the current situation of the country.
He alleged that both the Awami League and BNP have shattered the country’s economy and market system, and it started in 1991.
“People no longer trust Awami League and BNP. They want to see Jatiya Party in power as an alternative force,” GM Quader observed.
He urged the leaders and activists of Jatiya Party to get more organised to fulfill the hopes and aspirations of people.
“Jatiya Party will never back track from the movement for the protection of people’s rights. Establishing human rights is our politics.”
Noted businessman Mesbah Uddin Jiban Chowdhury joined the Jatiya Party by presenting a bouquet to GM Quader at the programme.
The Jatiya Party chief welcomed Mesbah and asked him to work for strengthening the party.
