Bangabandhu, 4 national leaders remembered in Ottawa with profound respect


Speakers at a discussion in Ottawa, Canada havesaid the new generation will be able to know the country’s true history and will be encouraged to contribute in building a ‘Sonar Bangla’ as dreamt by Bangabandhuthrough observance of the Mujibnagar Day.
The discussants recalled with profound respect the greatest Bangalee of all time, great architect of independence Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, four national leaders under whose strong leadership in administering the Mujibnagar Government, the country’s great independence was achieved through nine-month bloody Liberation War.
They highlighted the immense contribution of the Mujibnagar Government, headed by Bangabandhu in absentia, in achieving the much-coveted independence through conducting the War of Independence and maintaining close and strong relations with the international community.
The High Commission of Bangladesh in Ottawa organised the discussion marking the historic Mujibnagar Day on Saturday with due solemnity and fervor.
Because of ongoing pandemic, all the officers and officials joined the event virtually.
At the outset, the messages of the President and the Prime Minister given on this day were read out followed by a special discussion session.
High Commissioner Dr Khalilur Rahman paid solemn tribute to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, four national leaders- Syed Nazrul Islam, Tajuddin Ahmed, Captain M Mansur Ali and AHM Qamruzzaman, three million martyrs and 200,000 Biranganas (war heroines) as well as the freedom fighters. He said that from the political point of view, the formation of Mujibnagar Government was immensely important and significant for the independence in terms of legal basis as it was consisted of elected members from the national and provincial elections in 1970 held under West Pakistan regime.
The envoy emphasized that Mujibnagar Government played a key role to earn the then global support including to guide overall assistance to the nine months liberation was until the victory was achieved on 16 December in 1971.
The High Commissioner also mentioned the remarkable socio-economic achievements of Bangladesh under the leadership of the able daughter of Bangabandhu, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for which all should work from the respective position to turn Bangladesh a developed country by 2041.
A special “Munajat” was offered for the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, four national leaders, three million martyrs and 200,000 Biranganas as well as the freedom fighters including for the peace and prosperity of the country.
