Commentary: So we have cheque book politics and not people`s politics


President Abdul Hamid felt sorry and disappointed when he had commented on the prevailing political scenario. His observations came last Monday at a time when politics of the country looks most bleak and bankrupt for political leadership the country badly needs.We do not think his belated laments about the kind of politics he is now seeing in contrast to what he saw as an Awami Leaguer of his younger days and his urgings to end money politics will have any impact on the present day politics of Awami League. Young Awami Leaugers of those days have now chosen, as opposed to democratic politics of Awami League, the politics of revolution for the convenience of remaining in and enjoying power with no accountability to the people.Mr Hamid has been quoted in the press describing him to say regretfully that the present politics is in the pockets of the businessmen and this must be got rid of. He went on to say that there are many ways of making money but the politicians have to be honest if they want to do good to the people. He explained that the dishonest ones cannot do what they say and want to do for the people.He could not restrain himself but admonished those who are in politics for money telling them that they should not have chosen politics for making quick money.He recalled his personal politics of long years to assert that he pursued politics of honesty. That is the reason why nobody either in power or in the opposition spoke against him, he said.On one aspect of his politics, perhaps everyone will agree that he did not create enmity in politics by being vindictive. But what we find also lamentable is that his criticism though helpful has come too late when the politics of money making has itself turned into a business of its own and they are politically blinded.As we see it, the politics of our country is more than being in the pockets of the businessmen though some lucky businessmen wield a big influence with their money power. The politics itself is now a new business of corruption and grabbing and all sections are welcome to join it.Businessmen’s money at least is productive and create jobs, products and services for others. But the easy money made through the business of corruption and plundering of public wealth is totally unproductive and the huge money so made is going out of the country in no time. Thus, politics is also about money laundering. They will not appreciate, when on the high horse of power, how dangerous politics in the hands of others has come to be.For democracy and freedom our people made maximum sacrifices. There is no recognition and gratitude for that from the politicians. They are happy to depend on others and not on the people.Whether the politics has gone into the pockets of the businessmen or politics has perverted itself to be a business of its own, in both ways it is a cheque book politics, there is no people’s politics and no political leadership for serving the people.
