
UAE government employees to return to workplaces on July 5

Employees of the United Arab Emirates federal government will return to their workplaces from July 5, while implementing social distancing measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the UAE official news agency WAM said on Monday.
Only employees suffering chronic disease are exempted from the decision to return to on-site working, it added on Twitter, citing the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources.

Indonesia reports more than 1,082 cases, 51 deaths

Indonesia reported 1,082 new coronavirus cases on Monday, taking the total number of infections to 55,092, health ministry official AchmadYurianto said.
The Southeast Asian nation also recorded another 51 deaths, taking the total number of COVID-19 fatalities to 2,805, the highest in East Asia outside China.

Coronavirus hit a new high in India

India has reported a new daily record of nearly 20,000 new infections as several Indian states reimpose partial or full lockdowns to stem the spread of the coronavirus.
India’s health ministry recorded 548,318 COVID-19 cases as of Monday, a jump of nearly 100,000 cases in a week in the world’s fourth worst-hit country after the United States, Brazil and Russia.
A healthcare worker wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) walks in an alley of a slum area
The South Asian country’s death toll has reached 16,475, while 321,723 patients have recovered from the disease.

Pakistan Covid-19 cases pass the 206,000 mark

In Pakistan, coronavirus cases crossed 206,512 mark on Sunday with 3,602 new infections reported.
At least 49 deaths were reported taking the overall toll to 4,245.
On Sunday, 23,009 tests were carried out, far below the WHO-recommended levels of 50,000 per day.


Qatar to further ease coronavirus curbs

Qatar is to further ease coronavirus curbs from July 1, allowing the limited reopening of restaurants, beaches and parks.
The Supreme Committee for Crisis Management says public and private gatherings involving a maximum of five people would be allowed, and offices would be allowed to reopen at 50 percent capacity.
The next phase of reopening – including flights from low-risk countries – is scheduled for August 1.

Thailand records 35th day without community transmission
Thailand has reported its 35th day without community transmission.
The Southeast Asian nation added seven new cases on Monday, all of them in Thais returning from overseas – on this occasion from India and the US.

School building boom for post-COVID UK

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to set out plans for a 10-year rebuilding programme for schools in England, a December election promise derailed by the coronavirus.
“As we bounce back from the pandemic, it’s important we lay the foundations for a country where everyone has the opportunity to succeed, with our younger generations front and centre of this mission,” Johnson said in a statement.
Johnson’s Conservatives were returned to power with a large majority in December, taking many seats that traditionally vote Labour, but its handling of the pandemic has eaten into its support.
UK schools have suffered badly under the severe spending cuts introduced after the financial crisis in 2009.

Korea reports 42 new cases, concern over clusters

The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) has just announced 42 new cases of coronavirus – 30 of them local.
That is lower than the numbers reported over the weekend, but Yonhap news agency says South Korean authorities are concerned about continued clusters of infection, particularly in churches.
On Sunday, South Korea announced a three-level social distancing programme. The country is currently at Level 1, the lowest level. It will increase to Level 2 if the number of cases exceeds 50 for 14 days

Source: Al Jazeera and news agencies
