11th National Parliamentary election: Sirajganj without minister

Staff Reporter, Sirajganj :
After independence, this is the first time that Sirajganj is not getting any minister. This is the main topic of discussion throughout the district. As, no leader’s name of was included in the cabinet .
Political analysts of the district said that Shaheed M Mansur Ali, was the minister of Mujibnagar Government in 1971. Later, he became the communications minister of Bangabandhu Government and then Prime Minister in 1972. Dr. M.A Matin also served as minister during Ziaur Rahman’s government. Later on, during the Ershad’s government, he also served as minister and deputy minister.
During the Khaleda Zia’s government in 1991, Ansar Ali Siddiqui, elected from Sirajganj-6(Chowhali) constituency and served as State minister.
In 1996, Mohammad Nasim served as the minister of Postal and Telecommunications in the government of Sheikh Hasina; later he served as Home and Housing and Public Works Minister. Hasibur Rahman Swapan, served as the Deputy Minister of Industries of the same government.
Then in 2001, Iqbal Hasan Mahmud Tuku, served as Minister of State for Power in four-party coalition Government. In 2008, Abdul Latif Biswas was appointed as Minister of Fisheries and Livestock from the banner of AL. At that time H.T Imam was appointed as Prime Minister’s Public Administration.Mohammad Nasim again received the responsibility of Health Minister when the Grand Alliance government came to power for the second time in 2014.
Many activists and supporters of district Awami League said in frustration that in the 11th National Parliament Election, Awami League’s candidates won by a huge margin of votes in all six constituency breaking all the records of past. That is why we had the hope of getting at least one minister as reward for the huge victory. But all the speculation ended when the list of cabinet members’ are announced.
Several Awami League’s leaders and activists said in this regard, we thought that Mohammad Nasim, the son of M Mansur Ali, one of the Four National Leaders, will again be the minister; besides, from the remaining five seats of the district, at least one person will be seen as state minister. But we were disappointed because the announcement of the cabinet did not have any single leader’s name of Sirajganj. We humbly urge the Prime Minister to give at least one minister in this district.
Hasibur Rahamn Shawpon, newly elected MP from Sirajganj-6 (Shazadpur) said that the Honorable Prime Minister has included the eligible candidates in the cabinet and we are certainly content with her prudent decision. If there is a cabinet reshuffle in future, someone from Sirajganj may get place in cabinet which entirely depends on the decision of Prime Minister.
Jahuraul Haq Raja, the Convener of Sirajganj’s Interest Protection Committee also said there are no ministers in six electoral seats in Sirajganj and therefore we are disappointed. But the development will not stop because the Prime Minister will oversee the development activities of Sirajganj herself. But we hope the Prime Minister will certainly consider the matter in future.