Opinion: Significance of Qadr


Ameer Hamzah :
The Night of Qadr is that night Allah began to reveal the Quran. In the word ‘Qadr’, there are three letters i.e. Qaf, Dal and Ra, and the word ‘Qadr’ has been mentioned thrice in the Surah Qadr.
The word Qadr, Iranian Pundit M.H.Shakir translates as ‘The Majesty,’ English commentator Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall interprets as ‘The Power’, while Pakistani Scholar Allama Yusuf Ali refers to ‘The Honour, or the Power’. Again some other translates as Night of Decree.
‘Lailatul Qadr’ means the Night of Majesty or the Night of Power or the Night of Honour or the Night of Decree. Lailatul Qadr have nine words and are mentioned thrice in three verses of the surah in a row. Commentators say Allah began to reveal the Holy Quran from the night of the month of Ramazan in 610 A.D. They have reached the conclusion, as 3×9 makes 27.
In Surah Dukhan, a middle group of Meccan surah, there are two meaningful words i.e. Lailatim Mubarakatin or the ‘Blessed Night’. The night is called so, since Allah began revelation of the Quran from this night and therefore Lailatul Qadr and Lailatim Mubarakatin are the same night, each having nine letters.
Thus, we learn that figure three, nine and 27 are related to one another in the Holy Quran. Nine is dividable by three, again 27 is dividable by both three and nine, again 2 + 7 = 9, and the month of Ramazan is the ninth month of the Arabic calendar year.
The night of the 27th Ramazan has special significance. This is the night Allah fixes the fate of every human being for the next one year. It, however, does not mean that man will get what Allah has allocated, even if he does not work. The gain or loss will depend upon the individual’s plan and effort. If a man chooses unethical way, he will be liable to punishment. If a man sits idle through out the year, he will simply starve.
On the night of 27th Ramazan, the Spirit and the Angels land in the earth with all decrees and wait till the dawn. In this connection, it is necessary to explain that Spirit means Angels of the higher rank, and the Holy Spirit or the Faithful Spirit or the Trusted Messenger refers to Jibreel.
In this regard, let me quote few verses from the Quran and a Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (SM).
Verse No. 13/11: Allah changes not the condition of a people until they change their own condition.
Verse No. 30/41: Catastrophe has appeared in the land and sea on account of what the hands of men have wrought.
Verse No. 42/30: And whatever misfortunes befall you, it is on account of what your hands have wrought.
Verse No. 53/43: And that He it is Who makes (men) laugh and makes (them) weep.
Verse No. 54/49: Surely We have created everything according to a measure.
The Prophet Muhammad (SM) said, if you want more sustenance and longevity, maintain close ties with your relatives.
 In fact, there are no words called Lailatul Barat. The fate of every human being is decided on the Night of Qadr, and not on any other day.
