Cuisine: Shrimp Polau with Coconut Milk

There are two parts of this cooking. The first part is to make Shrimp korma and the second part is to make polau with that.
Ingredients :
For Shrimp preparation:
Shrimp 1 lb
Ginger paste 1 teaspoon
Onion paste 1 tblspoon
garlic paste half teaspoon
Whole garam masala , i.e, cardamom, cinnamon and bayleaf
Coconut milk 1 cup
chili powder 1 teaspoon
salt to taste
Aromatic rice ( kalijeera/chinigura/basmati),
2 cups, 500 gram
Sliced Onion 1 medium
Ginger paste 2 teaspoon
Whole garam masala , i.e, cardamom,
cinnamon and bayleaf
salt to taste
Green chilies
Cooking Method
1) Shell, de-vein and wash prawns well.
2) Heat oil in a pan and add the prawns. Fry a while .That would help to keep the flavor of shrimp intact even after adding spices. Now add the whole garam masala, fry a little while now add the onion paste, ginger paste, garlic paste, chili powder, salt and little water. Cook well adding water little by little. Now add the coconut milk and cook it until the gravy reduced to half .
3) In another vessel heat ghee+oil. Now add the Whole garam masala and onion. Fry until brown. Add the rice (soaked and drained). Add the ginger paste and salt ( don’t use too much salt as we have salt in the shrimp gravy too) .Fry for a while. Now add the shrimp with the gravy. Add 3 cups water (for 2 cups of rice). Cover the lid. Careful not more than that as we have already used the gravy. Cook on medium flame. Don’t stir while cooking your polau that would make your polau gooey and sticky.
4) When the water is almost dried out add some green chilies. Now you can stir only once with a very light hand without breaking the rice, so that the bottom
must not get burnt.
5) Keep it on very low flame for another 10/15 minutes. What I do I use double-boiler system. I place my Vessel over another vessel filled with water and let it cook on the steam. It works like magic.
Your Shrimp Polau is ready. Bon A Petit!