Shohoz initiatives to ensure safety for all


Business Desk :
As a part of ‘Safety Shobar Jonno’ campaign, Shohoz Ride organized a discussion session with the leading ICT journalists of the country.
 The discussion was held at Software Park at Janata Tower in the capital recently. On behalf of Shohoz, the company’s Head of Rides, Adnan Khan was present at the event.
Shohoz Ride is working round the year in its effort to promote safety awareness under the banner of the campaign ‘Safety Shobar Jonno’. This year alone, Shohoz is distributing over 15,000 helmets – alongside initiatives such as defensive driving training, usage of digital maps, free eye treatment and more.
 Not just that, Shohoz is also spreading awareness among general pedestrians with the help of leaflet distributions and road safety awareness programs. Shohoz has also introduced ‘Shohoz SafetyMan’ – a superhero who encourages everyone, especially the youth, to be more careful about road safety and general safety as well.
At the end of the event, the new superhero in town, Shohoz SafetyMan, handed full-face helmets among the journalists.
