Sheikh Russel School Chess begins

UNB, Dhaka :
Sheikh Russel School Chess Tournament began at National Sports Council on Friday.
Sheikh Russel Jatiya Shishu Kishore Parishad has organised the tournament under the supervision of Bangladesh Chess Federation.
Over 280 school students from several districts, spilt in four groups, are participating in that event.
After the 3rd round games in boys’ category, eleven players are sharing the top slot in Class VI to Class X group while seven players sharing the lead securing 3 points each in Class Kg to Class V group.
After the 4th round games in the girls’ section, Jhorna Begum is placed at the top slot securing maximum four points in Class VI to Class X group and Israt Jahan Diba is in the solely lead with maximum 4 points in Class KG to Class V group.
Earlier, State Minister for Youth and Sports Dr Biren Shikder inaugurated the event as the chief guest.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will distribute prizes among the winners
on the 52nd Birth Anniversary Sheikh Russel on October 18.
Sheikh Russel was killed along with most of his family members, including his father Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, on August 15,
1975 when he was a student of class IV of University Laboratory School.