Sheikh Fazle Fahim re-elected VP of CACCI

Business Desk :
Sheikh Fazle Fahim, president of Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI), re-elected as the Vice-President of the Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CACCI). The approval was made during 92nd Council Meeting of CACCI held through cloud conference on Saturday, said a press release.
Earlier, in 2018, Sheikh Fazle Fahim was elected as Vice-President of CACCI for 2018-2020 at the 32nd CACCI Conference held in Turkey. Established in 1966, CACCI is a regional organization of apex national chambers of commerce and industry and business associations of 28 countries of Asia and the Pacific. It serves as a forum for promoting the vital role of the businessmen in the Asia and Western Pacific region, increasing regional business interaction and enhancing regional economic growth. It regularly organizes conferences, high level meetings and seminars for enhancing trade and business relations among member countries.