Shakrain festival at Old Dhaka

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
he residents of Old Dhaka celebrated Poush Shankranti, also known as Shakrain on first day of Magh (tenth month of Bengali calendar).
Dates of the event vary according to different localities. This year, the occasion was celebrated in Dhaka on January 14 and 15.
Shakrain Festival is one of the oldest annual festivals of Bangladesh.
As part of the celebration, colourful kites are flown high from the rooftops around the area in the afternoon.
When night falls, fireworks light up the sky of old Dhaka. Flame-eaters also gather on the roofs to entertain people with their skills of manipulating fire.
The much anticipated kite-flying competition was scheduled to take place on that day afternoon as the congested rooftops of Old Dhaka were also decorated tastefully.
The festivities marked another Bengali tradition which is rooted deep within joyous and fun-loving culture.
It is mentioned that this day is also celebrated by the Hindu community in India, Nepal and Bangladesh in many cultural forms, with a variety of names like – Maghesangkranti, (Nepal), Saakrat (Delhi and Haryana), Uttarayan (Gujarat), Maghi (Punjab) and many more.