Shakhrain fest observed in old Dhaka

Hasan Mahmud Rubel :
The residents of Old Dhaka observed the end of Poush, which is known as ‘Shakhrain festival’ in Hindu community, by flying colourful kites, bursting crackers and displaying various fireworks from the very outset of the morning to till midnight on Friday.
The kites appeared like dragon, butterfly, elephant, monster and so on. In the eve of evening, the kites were replaced by vivid fireworks that created dazzling colours rainbow.
The densely populated place, such as, Jagannath University field at Dhupkhola, Babubazar and Postagola Bridge in the old part of the city were impounded by people to fly kites. Like other years, people of different areas of the city attended the festival to witness ecstatic cerulean kite-fighting and fireworks.
Both the permanent and the temporary shops of the old city had a variety of traditional sweets and cakes to mark the occasion.
Tapan Kumar Paul, a sweet seller of Shakharibazar area said, “During the Shakhrain festival people love to eat puli, vapa and vapapuli pitha and fly kites.”
‘Every year people of all ages gracefully assemble in old Dhaka to enjoy the festival’, he added.