Shabnam Parvin, Elin pair up for TVC for third time


Entertainment Report :
For the third time, popular actress Shabnam Parvin paired up with comedian Elin. They worked together in TVC of Joy Detergent Powder & Soap directed by Tariqul Islam. Shooting of the TVC was done at Betila Zamidar House in Manikganj. Regarding necessity of the story of the TVC Surid Jahangir, Golam Mawla and Nusrat Lia also performed.
While talking about performing in the TVC Shabnam Parvin said, “By this TVC I have worked for second time under Tariqul Islam’s direction. He works in organized way. I believe this TVC will be enjoyed by the viewers like previous one.” Hailed from Jamalpur Shafiul Alam Talukder Elin said, “Thanks Tariq Bhai to give me the opportunity to work in the TVC. I have liked its concept.” Elin also informed that his two brothers Nipu and Sopu are also engaged with acting. This new TVC will be telecast soon in different satellite channel.
