Youth Fair-2014: Sexual reproductive health rights emphasised

A Correspondent :
Sexual reproductive health rights comparatively a new concept in health sector of the country. Presently sexual and reproductive health is chosen as health rights. this rights prefer exchange of positive experiences of mutual relations of health problems or emphasis on pregnancy , nursing, faternity and maternity feelings and sexual reproductive health. Bangladesh achieves remarkable progress in fulfilling the targets of child health(MDG-4) . In maternity death improved with some extents and more progress needed in sexua l reproductive health rights. 33 % population of Bangaldesh aged between 10-24 years legs behind education, gender inequality, early marriage, lack of proper medicare facilities, which setbacks the perspective life and development of prosperous life. In Bangladesh , 78 % juveniles of female sex get marrived before age of 18 years and 59% of them give birth of child before 19 years. 57% young couples hve no ideas of birth control devices. these young juveniles o both sex have little ideas over birth control. As a result 55% youths aged between 14-24 yrs becomes infected with STD (sexual transmitted disease) .
The youths are the future force either in social or economical and they can play national building role upto 40 years. For overall development of the nation, there is no alternative of sexual reproductive health rights project.