Septuagenarian poisoned to death by domestic help in Rajshahi

UNB, Rajshahi :
A septuagenarian man, who fell sick after having breakfast allegedly mixed with poison served by his domestic help at Mahishbathan in the city, died at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH) on Friday noon.
The deceased was identified as Abdul Hannan, 72, a resident of Mahishbathan in the city. Hannan was a retired employee of state-run Agrani Bank.
Quoting family members of Hannan, Officer-in-charge of Rajpara Police Station Aman Ullah said Hannan used to live with his wife Jhorna Begum, 60, at his house.
Recently he appointed a female domestic help to look after him and his wife.
On Wednesday morning, the domestic help mixed poison with the breakfast and served the food to the couple who subsequently fell sick after having it. Later, the domestic help fled the house stealing cash, ornaments and valuables.
Locals whisked the couple off to RMCH and later Hannan was shifted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital where he died at noon.
Jhorna recovered from sickness and was discharged from the hospital.
