Senior City Bank official dies from coronavirus


Staff Reporter :
A senior official of the City Bank Limited has died from coronavirus infection in Dhaka.
The official, Muztaba Shahriar, was buried at Taltala Graveyard in the capital by the law enforcement authorities Sunday afternoon.
He left behind his wife and a daughter.
The 40-year-old Muztaba Shahriar was the First Vice President (HR Operations) of the City Bank Ltd. He died at Mugda Medical College Hospital at Mugdapara in the city.
Muztaba Shahriar was a coronavirus infected patient. The focal person of Covid-19 team at Mugda Medical College Hospital assistant professor Dr Mahbubur Rahman confirmed the death of Muztaba Shahriar.
However, the City Bank Limited authorities are yet to make any official comment on his death.
Earlier in the day, one of his family members was taken by a law enforcement agency to attend his burial, but he was not allowed to see the body. Rather, the Mugda Medical College Hospital authorities buried the dead body at Taltala Graveyard following the guidelines of World Health Organisation (WHO).
The hospital sources said Muztaba Shahriar had been suffering from high fever and cough for the last few days. His blood samples were tested twice as per the advice of doctor. Both tests were negative.
He had been taking medicine for urine infection according to his doctor’s advice at home. As his condition deteriorated, he went to Mugda Hospital again on Saturday morning for check up. At one stage, he felt severely sick at the hospital. Doctors immediately admitted him to the hospital and hospital authorities on Sunday morning confirmed his family over phone that Muztaba Shahriar was no more.
“After his death, his sample was tested again and the result came positive on Sunday,” said his wife quoting hospital authorities.
His family members were advised to stay at home quarantine.
Earlier, the Bangladesh Bank instructed banks to provide health insurance coverage of up to Tk 10 lakh for the treatment of bankers, if they get infected with Covid-19 while attending office physically during the general holiday announced to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
If any bank employee dies from the virus, their family will get a grant of five times higher than the certain health insurance, the Bangladesh Bank said in a circular issued on April 15.
