Seminar on Spanish language held at DU


A seminar on Spanish language and culture has begun on Dhaka University (DU) campus.Vice-Chancellor (VC) Professor Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman inaugurated the seminar as the chief guest on Tuesday at the Institute of Modern Languages (IML) of the university.
Spain Ambassador to Bangladesh Alvaro de Salas and Director of the Inditex Chair of Spanish Language and Culture at the DU Prof Santiago Fernandez Mosquera addressed the function as special guests with IML Director Prof Shishir Bhattacharja in the chair.
“Bangladesh and Spain have been enjoying historical and friendly relationship for long,” Prof Akhtaruzzaman said, adding that Spanish language and culture are popular in the world and have contributed a lot to the world civilization.
Ambassador Salas said Spain will continue to provide all sorts of support and cooperation to the university especially in running and developing the Spanish language courses at IML.
Earlier, the Ambassador had a discussion on various academic issues with Prof Akhtaruzzaman at his DU office.
Besides, Prof Jonathan Thacker, Prof Diana Berruezo-Sanchez, Prof Ben Bollig and Prof Olive Noble Wood delivered separate key-note papers in the seminar.
