Seminar on ‘Regression Analysis’ held at IU


A seminar titled “Regression Analysis and Environmental Statistics” held on the 6th instatnt at Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia.
Statistics department of the university organised the seminar recalling late Professor of Rajshahi University (RU) Statistics Department Mohammad Nasser.
IU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr M Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari inaugurated the seminar as the chief guest while Prof Dr A H M Rahmatullah of Ball State University in USA delivered the keynote speech.
IU Treasurer Prof Dr M Selim Toha, former Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof Dr M Kamal Uddin were present as special guests.
M Altaf Hossain, Chairman of the department, presided over the seminar where more than 200 teachers and students of the department took part at the seminar.
