Seminar on disaster preparedness held at CUET

Chittagong Bureau :
A seminar on ” Prepare campaign encourages students explore disaster preparedness in Bangladesh”was held at Civil Engineering seminar hall of CUET recently as arranged by the Department of Disaster & Environmental Engineering.
 The seminar discussed the different aspects of the pre and post disaster management. Vice Chancellor of CUET Dr. Prof. Jahangir Alam was present as Chief Guest. Departmental head of Environmental Engineering Dr. Sudip kumar paul presided over it.The keynote paper in the seminar was presented by Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) Communication Specialist Ms. Leila Uotila. Vice Chancellor greeted the visiting guest pf Asian Disaster preparedness centre for presenting the keynote paper nicely.
All teachers of the concerned department , students of environmental engineering, city planning department and 4th year students of architectural engineering and civil engineering participated the seminar, sources said.