Seminar on ‘Biotech: Recent Advances’ held at JU


A seminar on “Biotechnology: Recent Advances” was held in seminar room of Jahir Raihan auditorium on Jahangirngar University (JU) campus on Saturday.
JU Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (BGE) Department and British Council jointly organized the event.
Member of Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC), also former Vice-Chancellor of JU, Professor Dr. Shariff Enamul Kabir inaugurated the seminar as the chief guest.
Presided over by the Chairman of BGE Department Dr. Shahedur Rahman, JU acting VC Prof Dr. Abul Hossain and Treasurer Prof Dr. Abul Khair addressed the function as special guests, among others.
Prof Dr. Shariff Enamul Kabir said that the current century is the century of embodied soul and technology. The technology can play a catalyst role to explore the human being in the present world.
He also hoped that the new knowledge would be invented by the research on life science.
Later, Professor of Leads University of England Dr. Pal Milner, Dr. Nichola Stonhouse and Daren Tamlinsan presented key notes on the topics.
