Sector commander Abu Osman Chowdhury dies at 84


Abu Osman Chowdhury, commander of sector-8 during the Liberation War, has died in hospital care after being diagnosed with the novel coronavirus infection.
The 84-year-old passed away during treatment in Dhaka’s Combined Military Hospital early Saturday, said Haroon Habib, secretary-general of the Sector Commanders Forum.
He had been battling against old-age complications for a while, according to Haroon.
“Abu Osman Chowdhury contracted the coronavirus infection. Doctors also found a tumour in his brain during treatment.”
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has expressed deep shock and grief over his passing.
In a condolence message, Hasina said, “The heroic contribution of Abu Osman Chowdhury to the Liberation War will forever be remembered.
“His impeccable role in the implementation of the ideals and spirit of the war and towards the welfare of the nation and its people will continue to inspire us.”
Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque also paid tribute to Abu Osman, describing his death as an ‘irreparable loss to the nation’.
“He wasn’t just a brave freedom fighter as he worked throughout his life to implement the spirit of the Liberation War and demand justice for war criminals. His name will be remembered in the history of the rise of Bangladesh.”

