Scotland is ‘on cusp of making history’

BBC Online :
Scotland is on the “cusp of making history” by voting for independence, the country’s first minister has predicted.
Alex Salmond described the independence referendum as a “process of national empowerment” and said the country was “rediscovering self confidence” and “finding our voice”.
He was speaking at a press conference for the international media.
On Wednesday, the main UK party leaders called on Scots to reject independence.
Salmond’s event is taking place on the anniversary of the 1997 devolution referendum.
A new poll has suggested the “No” campaign holds a narrow lead ahead of next Thursday’s independence referendum. Two previous polls suggested the race was neck and neck.
On 11 September 1997 Scotland voted overwhelmingly for devolution, leading to the re-establishment of the Scottish Parliament after nearly 300 years.
SNP leader Salmond used the anniversary to argue that a “Yes” vote for independence in the referendum next week would be a continuation of “Scotland’s constitutional journey to date” and would mark “the opportunity of a lifetime”.
He said: “Scotland is on the cusp of making history. The eyes of the world are upon Scotland. And what the world is seeing is an articulate, peaceful, energised debate.
“Scotland will vote ‘Yes’ next Thursday and they will vote ‘Yes’ because last-minute, cobbled up promises from the ‘No’ campaign which unravel at the slightest scrutiny will not fool anyone in this country and neither will the blatant bullying and intimidation of the Westminster government.
“The ‘No’ campaign is in terminal decline. In contrast a ‘Yes’ vote is the opportunity of a lifetime. An opportunity to build a fairer more prosperous country.”
Salmond argued: “No-one is better placed to govern Scotland than the people of Scotland. No-one understands the aspirations of the people more.”