Science Film Festival ends at Goethe Institut


Entertainment Desk :
The Science Film festival that began its third edition on October 1 dropped its
curtain on December 21 night. Throughout this time, the festival traveled through places, space and brought critical thinking among academicians and educators. The partners for this year’s festival are Aspire to Innovate (A2i), Brac Education Programme, JAAGO Foundation, Teach for Bangladesh (TFB), Netz Bangladesh, UNESCO, Independent University, Bangladesh, PASCH-Schools: Partners
for the Future Maple Leaf International School, Oxford International School
(OIS), Mastermind International School in Chattogram. As an integrated part of the festival, Goethe-Institut Bangladesh associated with educators and scientists to conduct a number of exciting workshops for teachers, mentors and educators has been arranged to promote efficient learning methodologies. Through the workshop intend to promote shared and new modes of learning which might be implemented in the physical classroom setup. Science educators introduced various classroom activities which teachers can conduct with their students. All school partners actively participated by holding online or offline screenings and guiding kids through the experiments. During special workshop, fashion-designer, artist and an environmentalist Mahenaz Chowdhury and the young participants created colourful
sock puppets. Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) conducted a day long Science Film Festival celebration with film screening, workshop and discussion on science films with filmmakers and film
students. The Science Film Festival
associated with GUB this year for workshop with Scientist Maike Fritz. For the first time this year, the festival has
conducted its own quiz show.
