School boy commits suicide in Chitalmari

Bagerhat Correspondent :
A school boy of class-V named Balai Mallik (12), son of one Jotis Mallik of village Umajuri under Chitalmari Upazila in Bagerhat district committed suicide by hanging himself with a beam of his bed room on Saturday. On information, police recovered the body and sent it to Bagerhat Sadar Hospital morgue for autopsy. It is learnt from the locals that at the night the unfortunate boy wanted to attend to a musical soiree held in the village. But his father did not allow him to attend to it. The boy could not take it easily and as a mark of its protest he committed suicide in such a drastic way at the night (at 9 pm). Having the sense of the matter the boy was rushed to Chitalmari Upazila Health Complex by the members of his family. But the physician on duty (of the Health Complex) declared him dead.