SCB executive Karen Fawcett in city

Economic Reporter :
Karen Fawcett, Chief Executive Officer of Retail Banking of Standard Chartered Bank arrived in Dhaka on Sunday for a short visit. During her stay in Dhaka, she will be meeting with key clients, stakeholders and senior staff of the Bank. Sebastian Arcuri, Regional Head of Retail Banking, ASEAN & South Asia, Standard Chartered Bank, will accompany Karen.
Karen Fawcett was appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Retail Banking for Standard Chartered Bank on 1 October 2015. Karen is responsible for directing the global strategy and performance of the Retail Banking business, which spans more than 30 countries, serving over nine million clients through more than 1,000 branches and 4,500 ATMs, as well as digital channels. Prior to this, she was Group Head of Retail Clients. Karen is a member of the Bank’s management team which is responsible for leadership of the Bank and the interests of our clients.
Karen earned her MBA from INSEAD and her MA in Economics from Cambridge.
