Law minister's comment: SC lawyers to bring matter to notice of Appellate Divn today


The comment of Law Minister Anisul Huq on Judiciary on Monday has created a sharp reaction among the lawyers of the country it is reliably learnt that the lawyers of the Supreme Court will bring the matter to the notice of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court today (Wednesday).
Anisul Huq said that the judiciary should not take any such step that might create anarchy in the country’s judicial system.
He, however, said the government welcomes the steps taken by the court on
its own motion over public interest cases but the judiciary should not cross its judicial jurisdiction.
The Law Minister made the remark while addressing in the closing session of a seminar titled Australia and Bangladesh: Sharing Experiences in Protection of Human Rights at Brac Centre Inn in the city.
A reliable source disclosed that lawyers from across the country in their reaction to the observation of the minister have started creating pressure on the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) leaders to bring the matter to the notice of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court.
The source asserted that the remark of the minister tantamount to attack on the country’s judiciary. Not only the lawyers but the whole nation should be bitterly critical of the Minister for the remark on the judiciary terming it a direct interference in the independence of the country’s judiciary. If the law minister has forgotten that protector of the Constitution is the Supreme Court and its independence is against the excess of the Executive of the government.
Neither the president of the Supreme Court Bar Association, nor the secretary general could be reached for their comment.
