Sberbank CEO does not expect serious GDP growth in 2019

TASS, Petripavlovsk :
Russia’s GDP growth in 2019 is not expected to be very big but it will be a year of boost for the country’s economy on the backdrop of the launch of national projects, Sberbank CEO Herman Gref said on Sunday.
“There is a threat of sanctions, as usual. Such uncertainty impacts our investment climate and the ruble. This year is a year of a week economic dynamics, less than two percent, according to our forecasts, but things have got moving from the point of view of the launch of national projects, including the one on the digital economy. So, this will be a year of boost,” he said in an interview with the Deistvuyushchiye Litsa (Political Actors) with Nailya Asker-zade program on the Rossiya-1 television channel.
According to Gref, the funds allocated on national projects will not be used this year as the projects have not yet been committed to paper.
“So, I would not expect big results this year. But the next year may demonstrate another economic dynamics thanks to the implementation of national projects,” he note.