Save the ecosystem

Wahseka Lanee :
Ecosystem consists of all living and nonliving things that depend on each other to survive people are destroying different ecosystem by different way and threats. Ecosystem is very much important for us, wildlife etc. Without it we cannot live anywhere; wildlife cannot live anywhere. Ecosystem is our home to live in but people are destroying it and harming it.
· Poaching: People are poaching animals too much for their needs, so sometimes these animals can become extinct and some animal become endangered. People should give them time to reproduce again then there will be a balance and these animals can be saved.
· Overfishing: People are catching too much fishes for that the fishes are becoming extinct so we should try to give them time to reproduce than it will be a balance and fishes will be not harmed and the fresh water and oceanic system will be also harmed.
· Urbanization: In urbanization people make a lot of buildings and cities and towns. This is bad because it causes damage to the natural environment, and this damage increases with larger populations.
· Natural Disasters: Natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes and typhoons disrupt life cycles, habitat. Causes pollution, people loss their homes to live Due to this the food chain and environment gets destroyed which may harm the ecosystem.
· Deforestation: Deforestation is the clearing, destroying, or otherwise removal of trees deliberately, naturally or accidentally. One of the most dangerous effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and plant species because of the loss of habitat. The loss of trees can turn forests into desert like areas which can kill most animals there. The lack of trees also allows a greater amount of greenhouse gases to be released into the atmosphere which can cause global warming. Other effects of deforestation are soil erosion and flooding. People should plant a lot of trees and not cut a lot of trees in once
· Mining and Drilling Fossil Fuels: Mining is the extraction of minerals and other geological materials of economic value from deposits on the earth. Mining has the potential to have severely adverse effects on the environment including loss of biodiversity, erosion, contamination of surface water, ground water, and soil. Mining requires soil to be removed and when that happens plants are also removed which eventually exposes the soil to weather, and this may cause very small dust particles and other pollutants to destroy the air around us. Water pollution is also caused by mining and can include metal contamination, increased sediment levels in streams, and acid mine drainage.
· Using non-biodegradable products: using non-biodegradable products such as plastics are very harmful for the environment because it does not decompose with the soil so it can make a place full of garbage and it can cause air pollution and water pollution.
Solutions to This Problem
· People should stop using plastic products
· Reduce air pollution by improving energy use and different transport systems which are less harmful.
· Create private-public partnerships to provide services such as waste disposal and housing.
· Plant trees and incorporate the care of city green spaces so that the environment is not harmed.
· Aware people about the dangers of loss of ecosystem by writing articles or making posters
Please save the ecosystem and plant a lot of trees
The food chain will be balanced, ecosystem will be a perfect ecosystem, wildlife will not lose their habitats and the world will be safe, perfect and happy.
(Wahseka Lanee is a Grade IV student of the Aga Khan School, Dhaka).