Commentary: Saudi’s should be convinced that giving Rohingyas Bangladesh passport will go against their cause

Media reports in national dailies on Friday said that Saudi Arabia is putting pressure on Bangladesh to issue passports to 54,000 Rohingyas who have stayed in that country for about four decades. Otherwise, Riyadh threatened Dhaka to send them back Bangladesh from the kingdom, the single largest source of remittance for Bangladesh.
Earlier on several occasions, the Saudi authorities have handed over Bangladesh a number of lists that named more than 50,000 Rohingyas with a request for taking them back to Bangladesh. The kingdom took up the issue reportedly in 2007-2010 and sent several letters to Bangladesh to settle the issue. And the Saudi authorities last took up the issue with Bangladesh at a meeting in Riyadh in February this year.
We have no diplomacy otherwise it should not have been difficult to convince the Saudi government that making them Bangladeshis would be betraying with the cause of Rohingyas. They are citizens of Myanmar and they recognise as such. Rohingya is part of Myanmar and this is not denied. It is the homeland of Rohingyas.
The Saudi government’s humanity in accepting the Rohingyas and providing them jobs is admirable. The Rohigyas are Muslims and they genuinely expect help of Saudi government to support their legitimate cause. The international community is pressurising Myanmar government to take them back.
It is an unbearable burden for Bangladesh to have of thousands of Rohingya refugees who fled their country to save lives from the military barbarity on them. The Saudi government is more familiar with the oppression of Muslims in Myanmar. Bangladesh government was compelled to give the shelter on the consideration that they are Muslims in need of help.
It is expected that under the leadership of Saudi government the Muslim countries together will put sufficient pressure on Myanmar not to feel free to rape Muslim women and kill Muslims showing their military power.
The Rohingyas are the original inhabitants of Myanmar for ages. But now they are stateless for show of military power under military rule in Myanmar.
The miseries of the refugees from Myanmar have drawn international condemnation. They depend more on Muslim countries to act together so that the crisis is amicably settled or need be an alternative way has to be found. Bangladesh has shown restraint although its territory has been trespassed in violation of international law.