Saudi govt donates 40 tonnes of dates for marginalized people of BD


The Saudi Arabian government has donated 2,000 cartons of dates (about 40 metric tons) to distribute among the marginalized people ahead of Ramzan.
Ahmed bin Hassan Hamadi, in-charge of Islamic Affairs, on behalf of the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Bangladesh, handed over the dates to the Secretary of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Mohammad Mohsin, in the conference room of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief on Thursday, said a press release.
On the occasion, the secretary said that, “The Saudi government has provided 2,000 cartons of dates to Bangladesh as a token of friendship to distribute as an Iftar item among the marginalized people of the country. These dates will be sent to the district administration to reach those who cannot afford to buy them.”
The secretary also thanked the Saudi government on behalf of the Bangladesh government, said the press release.
Ahmed bin Hassan Hamadi said, “Bangladesh’s relations with Saudi Arabia are fraternal. The Saudi government is committed to taking this relationship forward. And as a token of friendship and bond, the government sent the dates for the needy.”
Officials of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief were also present during the ceremony.
