Salahuddin`s wife awaiting PM`s intervention

Mahbubur wants FBI investigation

A delegation led-by BNP's Central Committee member Lt. General (rtd) Mahbubur Rahman went to Salahuddin's residence at Gulshan and expressed sympathy to his family on Friday.
A delegation led-by BNP's Central Committee member Lt. General (rtd) Mahbubur Rahman went to Salahuddin's residence at Gulshan and expressed sympathy to his family on Friday.

Staff Reporter :Missing BNP Joint-Secretary General Salahuddin Ahmed’s wife Hasina Ahmed is still awaiting Prime Minister’s order to the law enforcers regarding tracing her husband. She was speaking to newsmen at her Gulshan residence on Friday.Hasina, a former BNP MP, on Thursday submitted a memorandum to the PM’s Office, seeking the PM’s order to the law enforcers for tracing her husband Salahuddin. She has been claiming that her husband was picked up by plainclothesmen on March 10 from a house in city’s Uttara. However, the government and the law enforcers have been denying any knowledge in this regard.BNP standing committee member Lt Gen (Retd) Mahbubur Rahman on Friday also visited the Gulshan residence of Salahuddin to extend his sympathy to the family members. When coming out of the residence, Mahbubur Rahman told the journalists that the help of foreign investigation agencies could be sought to locate the missing BNP leader if the government fails to trace him. “I suggested his wife to seek the help of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the USA if she does not get her husband back,” he told the reporters. When asked about Mahbubur Rahman’s suggestion, Hasina Ahmed told The New Nation that she was still waiting for the intervention of the PM. Alongside Mahbubur Rahman, some other BNP leaders went to the Gulshan residence. Hasina Ahmed spoke to journalists after the meets. She said, “The whole nation and world have learnt from the media that my husband was picked up by the law enforcers. Some neighbours have also seen it. Now the law enforcers deny it. How is it possible? We don’t want to know who took him away. It is the government’s duty to return him unhurt to us.”
