Runa Laila says about singers of new generation


Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
After starting coronavirus pandemic, internationally renowned Bangladeshi singer Runa Laila did not come out from home unnecessarily. She only came out from her residence to receive vaccine and to perform in musical concert on the occasion of 50 years of independence on Bangladesh. She believes to stay at home is safe rather than go outside. She was also tensed when her husband noted film actor Alamgir was infected with Covid-19. Runa Laila informed that she remains busy with works at her residence. Sometimes she composes songs and listens music, while some other times she watches television and also reads books. She has also made habit of watching movies now. Sometimes she talks with her daughter Tani. Sometimes she feels bad for not to see her daughter and granddaughters for many days. While talking about new generation’s singers of the country Runa Laila said, “It is true that there are many talented singers in our country. But we cannot utilise them properly. Their talents are not being utilised. So, there is absent of exploration of their talents. We should appreciate them who are trying to utilise their talents by own way. But I strongly believe if we can utilise their talents, they can surely flourish in the field of music. There is necessary of a good investor in this regard. It is also true that there is lack of original song among the new generation’s singers. For this reason, they have to render our songs besides their own original songs. It is not bad. But they should increase their number of original songs. They have to increase original songs to prepare themselves properly in the field of music. By this way, our music industry will be developed. Special identity of the singers of new generation will be created who will represent the country — it is my expectation from them. Among new generation’s singers, Nancy, Kona, Yousuf, Imran, Luipa, Haimanti, Zhilik and Konal are doing well. Among them, Luipa and Haimanti got the opportunity to render song under my music composition. If they become more sincere and serious, they will surely become successful in the field of music.”
