RU protesters postpone movement

RU Correspondent :
 The agitating students who were protesting against evening courses at Rajshahi university have postponed their demonstration on Tuesday.
 They made this remark at a press conference held at the university central cafeterraia at 2:00pm.
 Addressing at the press conference they also submitted 8-points demand to the university authorities including cancellation evening masters courses at newly introduced social science, law and business studies faculties, withdrawal of cases against the students, withdrawal embargo on political activities on the campus, arresting BCL attackers, trial and suspension from the university, bearing medical expenses of the injured students, suspension of the four assistants proctors and police who led the attack on the students’ rally on February 2 and to ensure security for the students in the halls.
 ‘We have postponed the agitation after getting the authorities’ invitation to sit in a peaceful dialogue’ Aayatullah Khomeni, a key organiser of the movement said.
 They will launch further agitation programme if the authority did not meet their demands after dialogue.