RU Oikko Manch demands punishment vandalizing of sculpture

RU Correspondent :
Rajshahi University Teachers-students-officials Oikko Manch claimed proper punishment in a human chain held on Tuesday at around 11.00 am in front of the university senate building against those who are involved in vandalizing Bangabandhu sculpture in Kushtia.
 Speakers said in the human chain, They are anti-independence who vandalized sculpture of Bangabandhu. They use religion to make the country unstable and to implement their self-interest. They are traitors. We demand proper punishment against those who are involved in the vandalizing incident.
 History department professor Dr. Chitta Ranjan Misra, Social Work department professor Dr. Rabiul Islam, RU chatra league former president Ibrahim Hossain Moon, Rokeya hall provost Dr. Mobarra Siddiqua, among others were present on the human chain.