RU gets new department

Hons admission process starts from Sep 1


RU Correspondent :

The Rajshahi University (RU) is going to launch a new department “Business and Commercial Law” of 50 seats under the Faculty of Law. It will launch its journey from 2018-19 academic Year. This year, 50 seats have been added by launching this new department.
On the other hand, the Admission test for the Hon’s first year of RU under the academic sessions of 2018-19 will be held on October 22-23.
The admission process will be resumed from September 01 and it will be continued until September 10. Eligible students who passed the HSC in 2017 and 2018 will be able to apply.
The decisions were taken at the meeting of Sub-Committee of the admission test on Sunday evening confirmed by Pro-VC Prof Ananda Kumar Saha. However, the final decision in this regard will be taken at the final meeting of the admission affairs main committee.
Prof Saha also said that at the meeting of Sub-Committee several decisions were taken including admission test date, qualifications for application, and faculty based unit-distribution etc. These decisions will be finalized at the main committee meeting.
Earlier, on July 5, the first meeting of the admission Sub-Committee decided to take written test instead of MCQ test (Multiple Choice Questions) for 100 marks. It was also decided to reduce exam units into five from eleven admission test while total tests will be held into two days rather than previous week long. Besides, only 16,000 admission seekers to sit for the intake test under each unit as per their academic results of SSC and HSC level.
Pro-VC also added, the written test will be held in one and half hour long. Primarily, admission seekers will apply via online September from 1 to 10 with TK-55 as admission fee. Later, on the basis of the results, some 16,000 applicants per unit will be given the opportunity to sit in the intake test.
Selected candidates will submit the application fee is for “A-unit TK-1,254, B unit TK-726, C unit TK-1,254, D unit TK-990, and E unit TK-1,122. Applicants can be paid these fees through the Dutch-Bangla Mobile (Rocket) Banking.
AHM Aslam Hossen, Deputy Registrar of academic section said the requirement GPA to register for admission test has been fixed GPA 7.50, 8.00, and 8.50 in total computing the score of secondary school certificate (SSC) and higher school certificate (HSC) exam for the student from Humanities, Business Studies, and Science group respectively.
Applicants having the background of humanities, business studies and science would have minimum GPA 3.50 separately in SSC and HSC.
Moreover, the result for admission test will be published by November 15, and all procedures for admission to be start from November 25. Classes will be begins on January 21 next year.
