Commentary: Role of joint task force should be clearly explained

In the wake of coronavirus pandemic, the civil administration and police, with the assistance of upazila and union parishad chairmen, have been distributing relief materials among the needy.
The army has also started assisting local administration in divisional cities and district towns in ensuring social distancing and implementing other protective measures to tackle the deadly virus.
The lawmakers not being elected representatives of the people are not publicly involved in the efforts of combating the coronavirus pandemic although the prime minister asked them to stand by the people. So it is a matter between the prime minister and her chosen law makers.
We do not blame them for not taking risks for the people. But they should have obeyed the direction of their creator. In their defence they can say that the ministers are also not working in the field to help the people. They all are trying to maintain social distance guideline of the government.
The unfortunate aspect for the people is that they are in panic for the deadly virus. They are helpless and see no strong and coherent activities on the part of the government to provide courage to the doctors and nurses who are bravely confronting the disease from the front line.
Comparing to other countries our ministers and advisers are more careful to protect themselves. The ministers are time to time making contradictory statements to make the administrative actions confusing.
The bungle created by opening garment factories when the government is asking everybody to remain confined at home. One wonders how so many incompetent persons could be put together to form such a hopeless government unconcerned about public interest.
The nation is panicked and feels more insecure for the fact other than issuing some futile directions. Nothing concrete is being done to equip the health service system to be more effective. It is also a crisis of distrust between the government and the people.
 The people have no idea why armed forces have been included in forming the joint task force. Things are not convincingly well organised to face the task of providing health services. Surely armed forces were not needed to keep people locked in at home.
 No explanation is available how things have become different for taking help from the armed forces.
