Fakhrul reminds AL of Baksal’s consequences


BNP acting secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Sunday said that the consequences of Baksal have been erased from the memory of the Awami League.”It might be that it has been erased from the memory of Awami League, the consequences of one-party ‘Baksali’ rule. Awami League has to pay soon for the heinous and barbaric attack on the people,” he said in a statement.In the statement, the BNP leader said that the people of the country are now united against the disgraceful and imprudent activities of the government which are being carried out to cling to power permanently.”The farewell of the illegal government will be ensured through the tidal movement to be waged by the people,” he added.The BNP leader expressed resentment over the jailing of BNP leader Aman Ullah Aman by canceling his bail, and termed the incident an expression of the government’s vindictiveness.”The government is becoming reckless and crazy when the people are strident against the merciless and autocratic activities of the illegal government. Awami League has expedited its anti-people character by canceling his bail by the lower court, after it was given by the high court,” Fakhrul observed.Fakrul added “The present illegal government is resorting to file false cases against opposition leaders, arresting them and carrying out untold repression in continuation of its activities.”He asserted the lone motive behind the activities was to ensure that the opposition leaders and activists can’t actively resist the government’s autocratic and anti-people activities.
