Role of higher education in Bangladesh to raise economic productivity


Comment :
 From table,3 we observe that in case of Public universities(General education) excellence of education was strongly agreed 25% while moderately agreed 22% while for the technical education 15% strongly agreed about excellence and 21% agreed moderately. Regarding the question of excellence in Private universities both general and technical education only 10% strongly agreed while moderately agreed 22%.Excelence in medical education at colleges and BSMMU 21% strongly agreed while 32% moderately agreed. Excellence in medical education at private colleges only 9% strongly agreed while moderately agreed 17%.

Comment :
 Due to innovations in Higher education’s Self employment rises was strongly supported by 16% while moderately agreed 21%. Social unrest declines was strongly agreed 21% while moderately agreed 32%.Economic welfare rises were strongly agreed by 22% while moderately agreed 29%. .24% and 37% agreed strongly and moderately agreed respectively regarding Unemployment declines s and purchasing power rises. Gender Inequality declines was agreed by 10% and 24% strongly and moderately respectively.


Overall Observations:
Despite some limitations and problems are associated but higher education in the last five and eight months. Quality assurance is the key factor. Definitely spread of education has been raised for with education ministry play key role. Teacher student relationship should be friendlier .Besides basic knowledge; out book knowledge should be raised. Existing English language education system should be replaced by reading more English literatures and creating quality English teacher. In the globalised world we have to create core competent human capital for which govt. is taking lot of steps. However, in the private sector some greedy business magnet thinks that education is source on making super normal profit. Coaching business should be stopped for which not only govt. but also needs of the guardians’ active support are very much required. During the admission test in the undergraduate level question should set on the basis of previous course curricula of the admission seekers. Otherwise it will have negative impact on the admission seekers. National university should monitor its colleges/institutes for proving good quality education. Private University who does not comply with UGC and education ministry’s rules and regulations bold steps should be taken to lose down. Recently UGC closed 12 private universities outer campus which is good decision. But strong regulatory measures are needed against other non-compliance universities. Like Malaysia, China and India, Govt. can give permission to set up outer campuses of World ranking and country ranking higher educational institute in the country. Vision of education has to make the students to become global standard benchmarking within 2021 when the nation will celebrate 50 years of independence. To reach this goal, the country needs to plan to expand research and training facilities and academic programs at higher level. Education is a tool that enriches students’ minds with the skills necessary to compete and succeed in a challenging world, and also with the knowledge to maintain peace and justice in the society. Graduating students of the country should turn to very best ambassadors of liberality toward society free from the fetters of colors and castes, of faith, of non-communalism, of gender, and of nationality, as Khalil Gibran says “Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.” Teacher should pursue students for co-curricular activities. Concept building with patriotism is the important factor for students to give future leadership of the country.
(*Muhammad Mahboob Ali is Professor of Dept. of Business administration, Daffodil International University and Chairman, Center for Breakthrough thinking in Bangladesh. Earlier he was Vice Chancellor of Presidency University. He is Macro and financial economist. His email no. is [email protected])

Comment: Innovation occurred through use of ICT has been strongly agreed by 15% while moderately agreed by 31%. Innovation occurred through use of Interaction, participation and doing things based modern class room situation was agreed by 9% while moderately agreed by 28%.Giving more stress on Concept building rather than memorizing and proper communication skill development at higher education level was strongly supported by 14% while 22% moderately supported.12% strongly supported to the question about attention is given to develop knowledge and Skills while moderately agrees 14%. . Case studies, presentations, assignments, real life experiences, group studies, mobile apps use positively agreed strongly and moderately by 19% and 38% respectively. Test-Teach-Test method has been agreed by strongly by 7% and moderately 12%. In case of Problem Based learning, both strongly and moderately agreed. Concept mapping has been agreed by 10% strongly and 14% moderately. Computer aided instruction was agreed by 16% and 25% strongly and moderately respectively. Teacher acted as guided discovery was supported by 11% and 21% strongly and moderately respectively.
