Rohingyas on no-man’s land seek UN protection


Staff Reporter :
The Rohingya living in the no-man’s land near Tambru area of Bandarban’s Naikhyanchhari Upazila on Tuesday wrote to the United Nations to take immediate measures for their protection and safe return to Myanmar’s Rakhine State as their lives are at stake.
They requested in an open letter by forming a human chain in the no-man’s land in the wake of the continuous violence along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border recently.
On behalf of around 4500 Rohingyas staying in the no-man’s land, Dil Mohammad, chairman of the management committee appealed in an open letter.
They also protested the killing of a Rohingya boy hit by a shell hurled by the Myanmar army from beyond the border.
The Rohingya leader in the letter wrote, “We have taken shelter on the no-man’s land between Bangladesh-Myanmar borders to escape the atrocities unleashed by the Myanmar army.”
“The Myanmar army on September 16 indiscriminately and intentionally lobbed mortar shells on the camps between the borders, killing a boy on the spot and five others critically wounded,” the letter said.
“We urge the UN to take immediate steps to ensure the lives of the Rohingyas,” it added.
The escalating conflicts between Myanmar Army and Arakan Army have intensified in recent days, creating unrest in the bordering areas. Myanmar media said that the Myanmar military has been carrying out air and ground strikes against the Arakan Army over the last few weeks, disrupting the stability of the entire region,
The local residents inside Bangladesh territory are living in fear as they don’t know when mortar shells or bullets will hit them.
In recent times, a number of unexploded mortar shells landed inside Bangladesh. Bangladesh has been protesting landing shells or bullets from the Myanmar side.
Such violence has not only endangered the lives inside Myanmar but the Rohingyas living in the no-man’s land.
