Commentary: Rohingya crisis is not bilateral: Foreign Minister is wrong about bilateral solution

Under worldwide condemnation of Myanmar for indulging in ethnic cleansing and threats of actions against the government of Myanmar a minister has been sent to discuss the matter with the government of Bangladesh.
After the discussion with our Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali yesterday a statement came out to say that under a joint working committee steps will be taken for arranging the return of Rohingyas. Not a fool will believe that a solution is so simple and the government of Myanmar cares to take Bangladesh seriously for a peaceful solution. The minister himself U Kyaw Tint Swe did not say anything about what passed between him and our Foreign Minister. It is so easy to bluff our inactive foreign ministry.
The words of our Foreign Minister are anything but misleading. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs cannot be so novice as not to believe that the Minister from Myanmar has been sent to Bangladesh for using the occasion to reduce the international pressure for ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. Our government is heard telling the world imitating the position of India and China that the issue of Rohingyas can be resolved bilaterally.
Although there were several bilateral agreements with Myanmar in the past, the last being in 1992, none worked. If any importance was attached by Myanmar government to these agreements then the present savagery would not have taken place. Our Foreign Minister appeared unconcerned about the genocide committed in Myanmar. It is disappointing and a shame for our people. A low-level minister should not have been welcome.
 At par with the UN Secretary General’s three major conditions — Myanmar must allow UN observers to enter the Rakhine State for monitoring the progress, hold frequent dialogues with the key members of the UN and the international community other than indulging in fruitless time wasting measures. Myanmar has been telling lies to the international community, even denying the occurrence of genocide.
 Our friendship with Myanmar counted for nothing and treated us most unkindly by pushing lakhs of their own people into our country as stateless refugees.
The Myanmar government committed an act of aggression against Bangladesh when more than five lakhs of their own people had to flee for saving their lives and still fleeing. The military operation has been going on over a month slaughtering men, women and children while burning their houses to make clear to Rohingya Muslims that Myanmar is not their homeland. The army used rape as a war weapon also.
Observers believe that Myanmar thought that without the support of India and China Bangladesh will find itself too weak to respond. But remained unmindful that the genocide they committed against Rohingya people is an international crime and an international issue. Many world leaders including USA are talking of punishing the military leaders responsible for the ethnic cleansing.
The leaders of the world other than those three countries namely India, China and Russia, came out strongly to condemn the ethnic cleansing and demanded end to the brutalities in Myanmar. The issue was taken up by the members of Security Council supporting the displaced Rohingya Muslims. They insisted in unequivocal terms their safe return. The countries, where life has value and human rights are respected, have united against the military brutalities in Myanmar.
Bangladesh must not isolate itself from the role of the international community or undermine it. India, China and Russia have left us because of their self-interest. Why cannot we stand for our national interest?
