Implement Annan Commission recommendation on Rohingyas: EU

UNB, Dhaka :
The European Union (EU) has urged to implement the recommendations of Annan Advisory Commission to resolve the ongoing Rhoingya crisis in Rakhine State, Myanmar.
Federica Mogherini, high representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, came up with the call in a statement at Brussels on Monday.
“I am following the dramatic developments in Rakhine State and at the border region in Bangladesh closely. The European Union has raised its concerns as recently as last Friday in direct contacts with Myanmar government members,” she said.
“As I stated in my statement a few days ago, the
priority is now to obtain immediate humanitarian access again, and to address in parallel the root causes of the conflict by implementing the Annan Advisory Commission recommendations to this end,” Mogherini, also the vice-president of the Commission, said in the statement.
“On both accounts we were reassured that there will be implementing steps this week, which I expect to happen,” said Mogherini adding EU has been in close contact with Bangladeshi authorities and stepping up its humanitarian engagement there.
Over 370000 Rohingyas, mostly women, children and old people, fled violence to seek safety in Bangladesh since August 25 when Myanmar security forces launched attacks on Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, sparking off a huge global criticism.