Robbery in former MP’s home in Gafargaon


Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent :
Adventurous burglary has taken place at the residence of former chairman Ataur Rahman, nephew of former Gafargaon MP Fazlur Rahman Sultan of Mymensingh. A group of thieves broke the windows of the house and entered the house and took away goods worth Tk 1.5 lakh in cash, gold jewellery and clothes worth Tk 4 lakh.
The theft took place at Ataur Rahman’s house on Sholahasia Kachari Road in three wards of the Municipal area on Tuesday night. At that time, all the family members of former chairman Ataur Rahman were at their home in Mymensingh City.
Former chairman Ataur Rahman has lodged a complaint with the Gafargaon Police Station on Wednesday afternoon.
The victim Ataur Rahman said that the people of the area became suspicious when they saw the broken iron grill of the window of my house on Wednesday morning. After receiving the news, my daughter-in-law went to the house and saw that the gang of thieves had broken the almiras and stolen everything.
Gafargaon Police Station OC Farooq Ahmed said, “I have received a complaint.” Legal action will be taken subject to investigation.
