Robben quits as injuries derail comeback to Groningen


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Former Netherlands forward Arjen Robben has ended his long playing career after an attempt at a comeback last season with his first professional club FC Groningen was marred by injuries.
The 37-year old ex-Bayern Munich, Real Madrid and Chelsea winger said his decision to quit was difficult but realistic.
“In my heart I wanted to carry on”, he said in a statement on Thursday. “But my body did not give me the confidence I needed.” Robben made a surprise comeback when he signed a one-year deal with his boyhood club Groningen, a year after retiring with an eighth Bundesliga title at Bayern under his belt. But his appearances in the Eredivisie was limited to a handful of games as he battled a string of injuries. A sudden return to form at the end of last season rekindled hopes of a successful comeback but in recent weeks Robben said he had realised his body was not up to the job anymore.
