RMP cyber crime unit attains success


City Desk :
Cyber crime unit of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP) has attained success in terms of combating crimes related to cyber crimes in the metropolis since its inception on September 17, 2020.
Marking its two-year founding anniversary RMP Commissioner Abu Kalam Siddique told newsmen on Saturday that the unit is extending support towards identification and arrest of the criminals in connection with the cyber crimes.
It has been working relentlessly in the field of unearthing clueless incidents, criminal identification and arresting them. Apart from this, it’s sending necessary and demand-driven information to the adjacent district through proper channels.
RMP launched the cyber crime unit to contain all sorts of cyber-related crimes two years back. Since then, the unit has been playing a vital role towards bringing those involved in spreading anti-state rumours and misleading information, and pictures through using Facebook, instagram, twitter and other social media to book within the shortest possible time, reports BSS.
“RMP has become service-oriented and it’s putting its best efforts for the public interest,” said the commissioner, adding the unit is capable of detecting the criminals’ through close coordination with Police Headquarters, Special Branch and the cyber crimes related departments of the Criminal Investigation Department.
RMP Commissioner said they received 861 complaints regarding cyber crimes and so far disposed of 840 of those.
Moreover, the unit has also disposed of 357 cases of harassment and blackmailing of women by threatening to spread their sensational videos, hacking of the facebook account, sending of Pornographic pictures and videos through fake messanger.
Such steps of Cyber Crime Unit have earned appreciation and praise from the cross section of people.
Kalam Siddique also said they have intensified surveillance activities to protect adolescents from different types of crimes.
On the basis of scores of allegations, RMP had gone on a special drive throughout the city. It has conducted drives against the youths engaged in
They kept 500 juveniles under watch to know whether they got involved in crimes or not again after release.
He said they have constituted a cyber crime unit and all of them have been brought under a digital database.
Smartphone culture among young and juveniles is one of the main causes of increase of social crimes. By using smartphones, underaged young men and girls are being addicted to pornography.
As a result, smartphone culture was also destroying the humanitarian and religious values, tradition, and norms of the society.
Kalam Siddique said special care needs to be taken to the juveniles by their guardians at home while they grow up.
