RIPPR PDG Chineg-Cheng in city


Rotary International President’s Personal Representative (RIPPR) PDG Chineg-Cheng Ku and his spouse Tzu-Jung (Genny) Wu arrived in city on Wednesday on a six-day visit to Bangladesh to attend the Rotary District Conference on 13th and 14th March, 2015, says a press release.
Finance Minister Abul Maal A Muhith, MP will be the chief guest of the event. PDG Chineg-Cheng Ku also accompanied by his son Rtn. Lee-Han Ku and his spouse Yuh-Ing Jung. Their visit to Bangladesh will also be highlighted with exchange of fellowship with the Rotarians, meeting Rotary dignitaries and visiting various service projects undertaken by various Rotary clubs for Rotary International District 3281, Bangladesh.
