Revise conditions for emergency Rohingya response fund

UNB, Dhaka :
CCNF, a network of more than 50 local and national NGOs working in Cox’s Bazar, urged the UN Resident Coordinator (UNRC) to revise the allocation application’s conditions of $4millionCERF/emergency coronavirus fund so that local NGOs can participate inhumanitarian response for the Rohingya population.
On June30, the Inter Sectoral Coordination Group (ISCG) and IoM issued a circular on behalf of UNRC, asking NGOs to apply by July 2, the fund will be managed by IoM (International Organization for Migration), another UN agency.
CCNF said including in Grand Bargain commitment and several time UN agencies and INGOs has expressed commitment to implement localization in practice being delayed and thus it is being denied.
Thirty-four months have already passed after August 2017 Rohingya influx, Abu Morshed Chowdhury, ED PHALS and Co-Chair of CCNF, said there is a condition that the NGOs have to have an independent project, and have to be part of Joint Response Plan (JRP) as prepared by ISCG.
“How can a local NGO manage own fund to invest?” he questioned, according to a pres release.
As ISCG is fully managed by UN and few INGOs and does not give minimum access to local NGOs, how local NGOs can participate in JRP process, he said.
INGO has all facilities to raise fund worldwide. Moreover, in Cox’s Bazar these local NGOs, CBO (Community Based Organization) and local govt are the first responder, they should be recognized and facilitated.
He termed those conditions are written to fund INGOs and thus to drive the local NGOs from Rohingya response.
Bimal Chandra Dey Sarker, ED Mukti Cox’s Bazar and Co-chair of CCNF, said localisation has been misinterpreted as it has been defined as sub-contracting to national NGOs.
Rezaul Karim Chowdhury, ED COAST and Co-Chair of CCNF, said the circular in fact has deviations from Grand Bargain commitment and also from UN’s highest committee IASC (Inter Agency Standing Committee) recent guideline on localisation during Covid-19.
He also said “Neither UN agencies nor the INGOs have hardly any partnership policy based on local social analysis and probable trend of Rohingya crisis.”